On a mailing list recently, SBS author and PowerShell MVP Charlie Russel posted how he used PowerShell to check whether a given PowerShell session was elevated. He also used that information to change the background color of the session (elevated shells are dangerous things!).
I took Charlie’s code and expanded it a bit and “made it mine”. I often need to know whether I’m running as an administrator, a server operator, and/or a backup operator. This is because I write lots of Exchange PowerShell scripts (which often require server operator or local administrator privileges) and backup PowerShell scripts (which require the user running the script to be a backup operator). The same technique Charlie used can also be used to determine those things. The key element here is the IsInRole() method of System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal. For detailed information about that .Net class, google/bing for System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.
The IsInRole() method operates against a WindowsIdentity object. This is obtained from the current process.
The script is pretty self-explanatory. It is designed to be dot-sourced so the functions can be used within your current script. I’ve also included Charlie’s functionality for changing the background of an elevated shell session.
Without further ado….
## ## IsProtectedRole.ps1 ## ## Contains functions for identifying protected roles the current user has tokens for. ## ## Intended for dot-sourcing. ## ## based on code from Charlie Russell (www.scribes.com). ## $identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( $identity ) ## ## Starting with Vista/Server2008, if UAC is enabled, then a user who has either direct ## or indirect membership in the BuiltIn\Administrators group is assigned not one but ## TWO security tokens. One of those tokens has the administrator privilege, and one ## does not. In order for you to have administrator privilege in PowerShell, you must ## start the PowerShell session from:another elevated shell (either PowerShell or ## cmd.exe), or
elevate the session when you start the shell (i.e., "Run As Administrator"). ## function IsAdministrator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ) } function IsUser { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::User ) } function IsPowerUser { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::PowerUser ) } function IsGuest { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Guest ) } function IsAccountOperator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::AccountOperator ) } function IsSystemOperator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::SystemOperator ) } function IsPrintOperator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::PrintOperator ) } function IsBackupOperator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::BackupOperator ) } function IsReplicator { $principal.IsInRole( [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Replicator ) } function MarkAdministratorShell { If (IsAdministrator) { $script:effectivename = "Administrator" $host.UI.RawUI.Backgroundcolor = "DarkRed" $host.UI.RawUI.Foregroundcolor = "White" } else { $script:effectivename = $identity.name $host.UI.RawUI.Backgroundcolor = "White" $host.UI.RawUI.Foregroundcolor = "DarkBlue" } clear-host } # write-host 'Administrator' (IsAdministrator) # write-host 'User' (IsUser) # write-host 'PowerUser' (IsPowerUser) # write-host 'Guest' (IsGuest) # write-host 'AccountOperator' (IsAccountOperator) # write-host 'SystemOperator' (IsSystemOperator) # write-host 'PrintOperator' (IsPrintOperator) # write-host 'BackupOperator' (IsBackupOperator) # write-host 'Replicator' (IsReplicator)
Until next time…
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