Long ago and far away (way back in 2006) I wrote an article for finding the disk space used by Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003, Finding disk space used by Exchange. While this worked through a few Exchange 2007 betas, by Exchange 2007 RTM, the STM file had been removed, and the original script would bomb, making the script only useful for Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003.
Astute VBscript users would determine how to comment out the few lines causing the issue, but for most folks, that was too much.
So, I finally updated that script for Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 (tested on both) and updated it to PowerShell.
This is the script:
function build-object( [string]$server, [string]$edbfilepath, [string]$displayName ) { write-debug "build-object enter" write-debug "build-object server: $server" write-debug "build-object edbfilepath: $edbfilepath type $($edbfilepath.gettype().ToString())" write-debug "build-object displayName: $displayName" write-debug " " $o = "" | Select Name, Display, Length $o.display = $displayName # if( $server -eq $env:ComputerName ) if( 0 ) { $r = dir -ea 0 $EdbFilePath } else { $filename = "\\" + $server + "\" + $edbfilepath.SubString( 0, 1 ) + "$" + $edbfilepath.SubString( 2 ) write-debug "Calculated filename: $filename" $r = dir -ea 0 $filename } $o.Name = $r.Name $o.Length = $r.Length write-debug "build-object exit" return $o } Get-Command Get-ExchangeServer -ea 0 | out-null if( ! $? ) { write-error "You must run this script within an Exchange Management Shell" return } $legacy = Get-ExchangeServer $env:Computername -ea 0 if( ! $? ) { write-error "You must run this script on an Exchange server" return } $org = $legacy.ExchangeLegacyDN.SubString( 3 ) $org = $org.SubString( 0, $org.IndexOf( '/' )) "Exchange Organization Name: $org" $default = ( Get-AcceptedDomain |? { $_.Default -eq $true } ).DomainName "Default SMTP Domain: $default" $forest = $legacy.DistinguishedName.SubString( $legacy.DistinguishedName.IndexOf( 'DC=' ) ) "Active Directory Forest: $forest" " " "All Exchange Servers in forest" $servers = Get-ExchangeServer | select Name foreach( $server in $servers ) { "`tName: $($server.Name)" } " " "All Mailbox Servers in forest" $mailbox = Get-ExchangeServer |? { $_.ServerRole -match "Mailbox" } | Select Name, IsMemberOfCluster foreach( $server in $mailbox ) { "`tName: $($server.Name)" } " " "Acquiring size of databases..." " " [int64]$totalSize = 0 foreach( $server in $mailbox ) { "Server name: $($server.Name)" [int64]$serverSize = 0 $serverArray = @() if( $server.IsMemberOfCluster -eq 'Yes' ) { $mailboxServer = Get-MailboxServer $server.Name -ea 0 $myServer = $mailboxServer.RedundantMachines[0] $serverArray += (get-mailboxdatabase -server $server.Name -ea 0) |% { build-object $myServer $_.EdbFilePath $_.AdminDisplayName; } } else { $serverArray += (get-mailboxdatabase -server $server.Name -ea 0) |% { build-object $_.Server $_.EdbFilePath $_.AdminDisplayName; } } $serverArray += (get-publicfolderdatabase -server $server.Name -ea 0) |% { build-object $_.Server $_.EdbFilePath $_.AdminDisplayName; } $serverArray |% { $serverSize += $_.Length } foreach( $element in $serverArray ) { if( $element ) { "`tDatabase name: $($element.Display)" "`t`tEDB File: $($element.Name)" "`t`tEDB size: {0} bytes, {1} GB" -f $element.Length.ToString("N0"), ($element.Length / 1GB).ToString("N3") #$element } } "Total size of databases on server {0} bytes, {1} GB" -f $serverSize.ToString("N0"), ($serverSize / 1GB).ToString("N3") " " $totalSize += $serverSize } "Total size of all databases in organization {0} bytes, {1} GB" -f $totalSize.ToString("N0"), ($totalSize / 1GB).ToString("N3")
Until next time…
As always, if there are items you would like me to talk about, please drop me a line and let me know!
Follow me on twitter! : @EssentialExch